Know it’s time to increase your prices but you’re hesitant?
You know your work is SO good and should probably cost more, but you're hesitant? Let's change that"
No matter if you’re a coach, designer, healer or any type of service provider… if you’re being very honest with yourself you probably feel like you overdeliver and undercharge (am I right?).
Let me guess… You’re a luxury lover & LOVE to circulate money. Big numbers don’t scare you, but excite you. You invest higher amounts of $$ than you’re charging with the blink of an eye because you see the value in them.
And yet - You’re afraid you don’t have *that type of client* in your community, yet. The THOUGHT of leaving behind past clients you genuinely like... shakes you. I GET IT!
This is the conversation I have with almost all of my private clients. Here’s what I tell them…
What we'll cover:
- the main concerns people have when it comes to increasing their prices
- how to overcome them
- finding your soul-aligned prices
Pricing is a GAME
…and you want to find the sweet spot of a PRICE that nourishes you (which will likely change over time) and that you can hold (aka you think it’s a VERY fair price for what it is even on a day you doubt yourself).
I believe that clients BENEFIT from higher prices. When I charge a price that nourishes me, I activate a version of myself that is *worth* that price because I am honoring myself & my ENERGY on another level.
As a consequence of being paid better, I can take better care of myself - and provide a higher quality of work for my clients.
WHO is the ideal client and how do they see the price?
If you have a business in the premium segment, your DREAM CLIENT likely appreciates a woman who doesn’t sell herself short. She WANTS to work with someone like that, not someone cheap (because she knows that ENERGY will transmute onto her and make her play smaller vs. think even bigger).
She LOVES to treat herself with THAT kind of SUPPORT. To her, it’s not an expense, but an INVESTMENT. She asks herself “Where does this take me?” vs. “What does this cost me?” (just like you 😉)
Is this person even in my audience?
The truth is: I don't know - and neither do you. What I do know, though, is that this person is more likely to SEE you and REACH OUT to work with you when you are showing up as your most authentic self (and with your most authentic pricing 🙃).
What happens most times when we don't charge what we actually want: we create content for potential clients we don't even want to work with. So chances are: once you start charging what you want, you'll be reminded of WHO you truly desire to work with and your content will change as a consequence. THEN they are more likely to show up - and stay on your Instagram account once they find it because they see you as *their* person. Makes sense, right?!
"I don't want to charge outrageous prices!"
Activating your MAGNETISM (which you do when charging what you really want) comes with a + and a - pole.
You’ll magnetize certain PEOPLE (your people) and repel others (those that are only a match to your semi-self-expressed version).
I know the thought of haters who think your prices are OUTRAGEOUS is there. I know the fear of nobody buying anymore is there. But you know what’s likely also there? People who are SO EXCITED to invest in exactly what you offer.
What's your motive for increasing your prices?
I’m assuming your desire for an increased price doesn’t come from you just wanting to make more money (if so, I’d say: check your motives) but because you KNOW the service is EASILY worth more - and you’ll only get even better at your job because you can continue to invest into advancing your skills and your wellbeing without worrying about finances.
So yes, likely not everyone will be hyped about your increased prices, but we left that people-pleaser tendeny behind a long time ago, didn't we? 😅
Are you victimizing your potential clients with small prices?
Of course, this is nuanced, but: What if you’re keeping your (potential / past) clients SMALL by assuming they can’t pay the NEW price?
A lot of people charge very (too!) little for their work because they want it to be affordable for "everybody". While I consider this to be somewhat noble behavior, I think it's an unfinished thought.
I've definitely made "high" investments in the past and activated a more powerful version of myself through it because it made me see myself as a woman who values herself "like that" or would find ways to make things that she really desired possible (lifechanging!).
My recommendation:
If you choose to increase your prices, take them along in your content and share WHY you increase your PRICE. They’ll likely celebrate it - and maybe even follow your example - no matter if you're in the B2B or B2C space (e.g. finally asking for that raise they know they deserve).
Without getting political here - our modern society isn’t built for WOMEN to take up space.
It’s not built for women to be fully expressed.
Yes, you may get some sh!t for charging more, but you know what you also get?
INNER PEACE (& more cash LOL)
Summed up, I’d say this: if you want to increase your prices but you’re hesitant - WHY?
I am all here for people charging prices that are nourishing (and therefore sustainable - which many things in our society are not) AND I think it’s important we’re doing it from a grounded, not a greedy place.
Which price feels delicious to you and easily worth the product? Which price feels like a YES even when you have a day full of self-doubt?
If this was helpful, please forward this blog post to your biz bestie so she can benefit from it as well!
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