Christina Arntz

Overcoming Financial Struggles as a Female Entrepreneur: Shifting from Scarcity to Abundance

Got a big bill coming up and a big ball of anxiety with it? Here are 10 steps to overcome financial struggle.


When it comes to entrepreneurship and particularly business coaching, we talk a lot about the big numbers, but the truth is: almost every single entrepreneur at some point experiences feeling of scarcity around money. No matter if suddenly 30k per month seems like *not enough* or your bank account literally says -2.72$ and you don't know how to pay rent next month... or tomorrow. 👀

As an entrepreneur, feeling financially stuck can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you thought you had left times of financial scarcity behind - or you even help people make money through your business (hello imposter syndrome 👋🏼).

I certainly remember being on the phone with a headhunter realizing I was blatantly lying about being even sligthly interested in the job in a weak moment when I thought I may need *a real job* in the early days of my business LOL

Of course there's a big difference whether you're constantly in financial distress because your business is just not profitable (yet), or if generally, things are moving in business, but you've somehow gotten into the position of financial lack. While in this blog post, I'll be focussing on overcoming financial struggles ONCE, most things will still apply if you're regularly stressing about money.

To me, it feels like this topic is (unfortunately) relevant for so many, yet only few talk about it, so here are my top tips to help you overcome financial scarcity and step into abundance (again):

What we'll cover:

1. Acknowledge Where You Are

The first step is to recognize and accept the emotions you’re feeling. Instead of pushing away feelings of frustration or lack, allow yourself to truly feel cause—yes, being in a position like that SUCKS - and we don't need to pretend it's awesome 😅 In fact, I found that the faster you admit to yourself it SUCKS and feel all the fears around it, the faster you can move forward because by acknowledging them, you create space to shift your mindset and situation.

2. Celebrate Your Wins

It’s easy to lose sight of how far you’ve come when you're stressed about money and you feel like a failure. Take time to reflect on your past successes—big or small. Recognizing what you’ve already achieved can help rebuild your confidence and remind you that you have the ability to create abundance. In moments of financial uncertainty, this can be incredibly grounding. Regularly celebrating your wins strengthens your belief in your ability to succeed, even in difficult times. My experience for myself and my clients is that reconnecting with the RICHness of how you've already helped people is a GAMECHANGER. You've done so much good and you're doing so much good RIGHT NOW. Can you see it... just a little bit more already?

3. Transform Limiting Beliefs

I keep preaching this: energy is everything - and your mindset, your thoughts influence how you operate in this world. If you (unknowingly) believe money is running out, or that there's never enough of it - you're likely not showing up powerfully in your business & allowing yourself to charge prices that even allow profitability. So if you're experiencing a (perceived) lack of money, I invite you to get really honest with yourself around how you feel about money / getting clients / pricing / etc. & then actively CHOOSE a new, better-feeling thought. You'll notice that you INSTANTLY feel better. The good thing: that new "positive" belief is just as real or false as your old one, so why not pick the one that feels better?

By consistently redirecting your thoughts toward what is possible and what feels good to believe, you can transform those limiting beliefs and open yourself up to greater financial flow.

4. Take the Practical Steps

While working on your mindset is key, it’s equally important to take practical, aligned actions (which you likely WANT to do when you're actively doing the things mentioned above). Ask yourself:

- What offers can I easily create that will really help people?
- How can I simplify my sales process so it feels effortless and enjoyable?

Keep it simple. Your value is clear, and you don’t need to complicate things. Streamlining your approach will allow you to move forward with more clarity and confidence, attracting opportunities that align with your purpose - and slapping on a price that excites you can certainly help selling it faster, too.

(important note: the price should genuinely excite you and feel like a GREAT deal for both parties - if you're only charging "a lot" to hopefully quickly be rescued from your "financial disaster" you'll likely struggle to sell it cause then you're coming from an energy of lack instead of abundance and overflow).

5. Strengthen Your Trust in Your Vision

You have a vision for your business that goes beyond making money—it's about creating impact and transformation. Reconnect with that vision every day. Visualize the life you are building and the people you are helping. Reminding yourself of the bigger picture can help you shift away from scarcity and toward abundance, where the focus is on making a difference, not just on financial gains. The whole goal here is to get back into an energy of abundance - doing this can help you do that.

6. Let Go of Perfectionism

Perfectionism often paralyzes us from taking action. You might overthink, delay, or second-guess your offers because they’re “not perfect yet.” But perfection is an illusion that holds you back from making progress. Let go of the need to have everything figured out and allow yourself to create imperfectly. Authenticity resonates more with people than perfection. Taking action, even when things aren’t perfect, generates momentum and attracts opportunities. Of course, I encourage you to sell high quality products vs. trash just to make a quick buck - but that is not a problem you have and you know it. You're likely just making it complicated (maybe because you're avoiding to potentially feel the feelings of "nobody bought it"?!).

As much as I am for embracing an artful approach to business and product creation - it is YOUR responsibility to take care of yourself financially. Sometimes, we just gotta step up and do the damn thing afraid.

7. Seek Support When You Need It

If you find yourself caught in negative thought patterns, don’t hesitate to seek external support. Whether it’s working with a mentor or joining a supportive community of entrepreneurs, getting an outside perspective can help you see things from a different angle. Sometimes, just talking it out or having a good cry in a safe space can offer the clarity and motivation you need to move forward.

Important: for some people, it feels abundant to invest in mentorship in a situationlike this - for others adding more financial pressure completely paralyzes them. Feel into what feels good for you. You're not "not abundant" by intentionally choosing a (high quality!!) free option (aka e.g. a friend who's been in a similar situation - wouldn't recommend discussing this with someone who tends to see danger in everything 😅) - don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

8. Reconnect with Nature and Creativity

So simple, so good. I know it may first sound counterintuitive and you think you should now be glued to your desk and "figure this out", but do your best ideas come from pressure? ...or when you're relaxed and just living?

For many entrepreneurs, reconnecting with nature or engaging in creative activities can be a powerful way to recharge and shift energy. Spending time in nature, painting, or doing something creative can help release tension and clear your mind - and I mean, nature is pure ABUNDANCE.

This can allow new ideas and solutions to flow more easily, bringing you back to a place of abundance and inspiration that you can then take action from to create the cashflow you need/desire.

9. Consider cutting expenses where possible

While saving is often (not always!!) rooted in fear and lack, cutting costs can help us FEEL more relaxed (which is what we need in a situation like this). Think: you need 4k for an open payment next month, your cost of living is 3k per month and somehow it has been feeling like money runs through your fingers like water.

You'd need at least 7k next month just to get by. If you can lower your expenses, the amount you need gets lower - which may offer you some relief. This certainly isn't the way to go for everyone, but I wanted to include it here as it has once helped me to feel like money isn't just going out uncontrollably but I pressed the "STOP" button for a minute.

10. Keep Moving Forward

This is not the end of the world - even though it can certainly feel like it (trust me, I know).

I've been saying for years: "You cannot fail if you don't give up."

Ultimately, the key to overcoming financial scarcity is to keep moving forward, even when things feel difficult. Trust in your journey, the work you're doing to change your situation, believe in your vision, and take consistent steps based on the ideas you receive. The shift from scarcity to abundance begins within you, and the more you embody abundance, the more your business and finances will reflect it.

Your internal mindset is the foundation for your external success. By acknowledging where you are, celebrating your progress, transforming limiting beliefs, and taking aligned action, you can overcome perceived financial obstacles and create lasting abundance in your business and life.

I know situations like this SUCK - and I know that we both know there's an other side. Your reality can change so quickly - you probably experienced this before in some kind of way - why wouldn't it happen again?!

You're a wildly capable, go-getter woman - you got this.

All the Love



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