Christina Arntz

Orgasmic (Over)flow Mastermind

Take your business from "enough" to "holy shit" overflow by doing things YOUR way 🦋

Say no more - this is what I want!

Everything you need to know

You can live off of your business, but are ready for financial overflow and to make spoiling yourself your new normal - without feeling irresponsible.
You're (more or less) consistently getting clients but want to attract higher-level clients who can + do pay the prices that really nurture you & allow you to take great care of yourself.
You see other women making 20, 30, 50k months and wonder "HOWWWW?" but also feel like "I'm meant for that, too and I know I can get there" - and you wanna get there with fun, joy & while living a life you're proud of and inspired by.
You are so proud of how far you've come & grateful for the life you've created AND you're so ready for more. For overflow vs. just enough. After all, 5* hotels in the Maldives can't be paid with love & light - sadly 🤣

I hear you!

While my business made enough money for me to live and pay my bills, I spent many months wondering "How the F do I get from enough to overflow?

...until suddenly, in 2021, my business had made 100.000€ without me even trying. Shortly after, I wrapped up my first multiple 6-figure year and only a few months later, my business brought in around 250.000€ in just 3 months... and the rest is history.

What had changed?

Me. I had changed. I was allowing myself to break all the rules and just have fun. I created flow so that overflow became the natural, logical consequence. Suddenly, selling felt easy and like OF COURSE every offer would sell. And they did.

I know this may sound too simple, too good to be true & yes there is a liiiittle bit of strategy involved in these results, but YES, it can be THAT easy. And it can happen FAST.

...and I believe somewhere in your soul, you know it, too 🙂

What we'll cover:

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Love-letters from my clients

Emotions Flow Mentor

(...) It was so much more than I thought it would be. I booked the mentoring in a time where my business was still in my comfort zone, not many clients, maybe an income of 3000€/month. (...) Through your easy-going, but clear way, I got super fast access to my own answers and they just can’t be ignored. I really discovered myself, activated my skills and you were instrumental in that. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for what you have triggered in me. Thanks to your support, after one month, I adjusted my prices for the 1:1 coaching, they got fully booked and I finally successfully launched my group program and made 23.000€. This would not have been possible with the mindset before our collaboration (...).

Life & Business Mentor

I've been working with Christina for over a year now and I couldn't compare any other mentor to her. She's unique in her work. The way she shows up on IG is the exact same way she shows up in our calls. Raw. Pure. Confident. Fully and unapologetically herself. And this fact made me feel incredibly safe to show myself fully as well. She always gets to the root of my problems. When I feel lost within my thoughts, she leads me and clears my path. She doesn't tell me what to do - instead she continues to remind me of my own power, my wild woman that's been hiding way too long. Christina knows and teaches all the strategies around a successful business, but most importantly she shares her wisdom around an incredibly successful life. When I work with her I feel seen, heard and understood. I don't want to talk about numbers here, cause she not only changed the way I do business - she changed the way I do life. With more fun, ease and clarity. I will forever be grateful for her work and the wildly abundant life, I created for myself though her work. And you're a fool if you hesitate one second to work with her.

Spiritual Mentor

If I had to describe Christina’s energy in one word, it would be sensuality! She truly is the Queen of Pleasure! (...) I brought real ease and fun back into my work and devoted myself to feminine play. After 3,5 years of being self-employed, many concepts and structures had gathered and dominated my business. Through Christina’s reflection, I could let go of those that didn’t actually serve me. Instead of being afraid to lose potential clients through the changes we made, I actually received space for real abundance and next to an increased income, I am now working with women who are absolute soul clients (...). Christina triggered, mirrored, and encouraged me. She allowed me to fully exhale and cracked me open to receive biiiiiiig visions. Apart from my business growth, I am so so grateful, from the bottom of my heart, that I can again feel puuuuure pleasure in my life - every day. Her energy is priceless.

Business & Life Mentor

My whole life has changed completely. I feel more confident and more free. I feel like there is nothing I can't do. I trust myself so deeply that everything around me has changed for the better. My love life, all of my relationships (with my parents, with friends and money ;)). That feeling beats everything. On top of that, I hit my first 10k month with ease. I truly feel like a badass.

Picture of former happy client Sarah.
Soul Business Mentoring

Working with Christina was like a magical journey to the best, most wonderful and successful version of myself.
I had been feeling the pull to work with her for a while and knew I would eventually work with her and what can I say? My feeling didn’t let me down.
This woman has inner wisdom as if she was 111 years old and at the same time, she’s so refreshing, funny, and full of passion for what she does.
She doesn’t give you any exhausting one-size-fits-all strategies, but helps you find your own answers within YOURSELF.
Doing so, she is attentive, loving, but also gives a kick in the butt if needed (and we all need it sometimes).
The Mentoring hasn’t just changed the way I run my business, but also my entire life. Especially the relationship to myself has changed dramatically: I feel so full of love and LIFE.
I know the work we did together was like a grain that will provide me with fruits for a really long time.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you wonderful soul!

Instagram & Business Mentor

(...) I don’t feel like a different person, but like I finally see, feel and show my own inner power. I feel strong, self-leading, courageous and have an entirely different energy, posture and aura (on- and offline). Even my partner noticed. (...) My business is on an entirely different level in terms of flow, ease, fun and abundance. The offers I’ve allowed myself to create now are things I thought I would do in 3 years from now. Without you, I would probably still mess around with 3-figure offers wondering why my business isn’t profitable. Also in my private life, I’ve attracted way more pleasure and sensuality. I enjoy more and feel better and more relaxed (and I used to be the hustle-queen!). Thank you!

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Orgasmic (Over)flow is the space where we create financial overflow - through feminine energy, manifestation & a tiny bit of soulful business strategy.

My unique feminine business approach is designed to fill your bank account... and your heart. And while I know you can get there alone, I wanted to create space that offers high-level business coaching on THE WOMAN (vs. just the business) without costing a fortune that isn't a match to your current income.

Cause despite popular belief on the more spiritual side of business, I don't personally believe in constantly overstretching yourself through making big investments into your business. I don't just want you to MAKE big numbers, I want you to KEEP big numbers on your bank account.

What's the point of increasing your income if your expenses are so high you end up with almost the same as before?

In my world, we focus on high profits, big impact and a f*ck ton of FUN.

We build businesses that aren't just profitable, but thriving. Businesses that don't just work in terms of bringing in money, but that work for the woman running it (aka YOU).

Sounds like your vibe?

How it works

Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls

I want to get to know you & your business from the inside out so we can tweak those things that need a little adjustments so that your dream of overflow is soon a business class flight booked.

Masterminds coming together

Our exclusive Telegram chat is strategically built for us all to thrive in there. Meaning: there's a destined space for you to connect with your peers (if you want) and support each other.

Powerful women coming together... making history.

Hands-on Support

You know what I've always missed in masterminds? Actual hands-on support. Want feedback on a salespage? On your offer? Your sales process?

I'm here.

The Orgasmic (Over)flow Mastermind open for enrollment all year which means: you can get started whenever you are ready to create overflow... in flow :) an application-only space which means: you have to be accepted into the space. I'm doing this to ensure that the women in there are a good fit, at a level of entrepreneurial-maturity that is needed (for us all not to go 🥜 LOL) and because personally, I hate being the fastest-running horse in every mastermind and I want to provide a space where everyone mutually benefits from each other vs. you coaching MY mastermind and getting nothing in return (we've all been there haven't we?! 🤠) a 12-month Mastermind. Why 12 months? Because scaling a business sustainably takes time & I don't want you to fly high... only to fall a few months after because we didn't have enough time to set it all up properly. Let's make it cozy instead of stressful!

...includes 12 months in my daily Feminine Business Coaching hub RICH & RELAXED. Why? So you can get daily insights into my multiple 6-figure business, the steps I take, the challenges I face & how I navigate them. FUN BONUS: You and I get to dive deeper into the content of R&R in our private Mastermind chat. 😏


How much money should I be making to join this Mastermind?

I believe in getting high-level support - and in taking enough money home so that we don't have to starve 🙃) With that being said, you and your business should be at a place where investing 12k pay-in-full or 1.111$ per month allows you to still comfortably live your life.

What matters most to me, is that you are really ready to scale to 100K years MINIMUM, are coachable, love being an entrepreneur and resonate with a business approach of manifestation, feminine energy and no-bullshit soulful strategy.

For this space, I call in the woman that notices when she's NOT doing something she knows she CAN afford out of fear. If you want to go from enough to overflow but you're holding on to each penny tightly, this is not the space for you (yet).

Are there any 1:1 calls included?

No. I believe you don't need any additional 1:1s with me as this space is built out so that you do get my direct input & coaching around your business. PLUS, you get an epic community of women to support each other at a high-level as well.

In what industries do you coach/mentor?

I coach/consult in every industry (that aligns with my personal values) because coaching/consulting doesn't need me to have experience in YOUR industry for me to support you incredibly well. I know the inside outs of marketing & sales, and based on the law of attraction, manifestation principles apply work for any industry.

I mentor mostly in the coaching & service-based area as this is where I personally have experience building a business that makes multiple 6-figure years with high profits.

You feel into if that resonates with you :) And - of course - feel free to DM me on Instagram if you're unsure if this space is for you.

What if I'm already in RICH & RELAXED and I want to join this Mastermind?

a) Beginner's question 😀

b) Since R&R is a BONUS of the Orgasmic (Over)flow Mastermind, we cannot take your credit and apply it to the mastermind. However, I am happy to extend your time in R&R based on the months you've got left in R&R AFTER the mastermind, offer you a 🌶️ extra bonus, or, if you are paying per month, we can simply stop your monthly payments once you're all signed up for the Mastermind.

Ready to scale to 100k years & beyond while feeling good & having FUN? 🔥

Payment Plan

Receive high-level business coaching for a year, pay comfortably each month.

1.111 $

All In

Pay once. Receive high-level coaching for 12 months.
